Ascetic Gotama ate the sweet thick milk-rice and then bathed in the river Neranjara. This was the last food and bath he would have for seven weeks. When he finished he took the golden bowl and threw it in the river, saying, "If I am to succeed in becoming a Buddha today, let this bowl go upstream, but if not, let it go downstream." The golden bowl went upstream, all the while keeping in the middle of the river.
Folio 25 on the recto side: In Culasakkarat (CS) 1202, a kot chai year, on the first waxing day of the fifth [lunar] month, the fifth day of the week (Thursday), a kat mot day. The writing of this manuscript had been finished in the morning between 6.00-7.30 o’clock. Xiang (Mr. ex-novice) Phomma had the religious faith to sponsor the making of this manuscript entitled Pathomsompot, to support the Teachings of the Buddha to last until the end of 5 thousand years. Nibbāna paccayo hotu no dhuvaṃ dhuvaṃ. (May this be a condition for us to reach Nirvana, certainly).